Are you living pay check to pay check? Possibly struggling with managing your money, debts or questions about your credit? The Financial Opportunity Center (FOC) is a free source of information and offers coaching help with day-to-day money management or personal finances. A session with one of our financial coaches will include a full financial assessment of your income and monthly expenses, debts and credit condition. We work with you to develop a personalized plan to achieve your financial goals. All information is kept confidential. Call 269-788-6500 to schedule an appointment.
The FOC helps families become more financially secure in three critical areas: employment and/or increased wages, improved financial condition and improved access to public benefits. Our three-pronged approach to financial stability includes working with you to find a better job, identify and apply for public benefits, and act on financial counseling by establishing a household budget and balance sheet, building credit and making connections to mainstream financial products. The FOC utilizes a coordinated delivery of integrated services in coaching clients to achieve successful financial outcomes. You have access to a network of coaches to assess your strengths, build and create tools to establish goals and assist you with realizing their vision for economic stability.